Spanish Saturday

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My first Saturday while being back from my vacation and BOY was it fulfilling! This evening I went to an outdoor dinner party of family friends. There was no particular reason for the event other than friends just getting together and enjoying each other’s company. One thing I have learned about the German’s, or maybe Europeans in general, is that they take their parties/get togethers very serious. From tea parties, to afternoon  coffee get togethers, to evening dinner parties… they have the whole “sha-bang” setup to a T. And this particular dinner party was, of course, no different.

The neighborhood in particular was so beautiful so I took a quaint little stroll enjoying the views before I arrived. And being the polite guest that I am, I brought a courtesy gift to the hosts which was Spanish rose wine, fitting for the Spanish themed dinner. Their home dĆ©cor is top notch and I couldn’t resist taking pictures of almost every room I entered. The kitchen was prepped with appetizers and side dishes and was full of savory aromas which traveled through the dinning room. One things for sure, if you didn’t arrive feeling hungry then you certainly did after catching a wiff of all the aromatic food! And as if that wasn’t enough, we were soon greeted by a delivery man who brought Paella… enough Paella to feed one of the entire islands I just recently visited! No joke!The pan was so big that there was an issue getting the Paella into the house. The only resolution was to leave it outside covered with foil. Nonetheless, it was still very delicious. My particular favorite dish of the night was the marinated sardines. So simple but so full of flavors that tickled every taste bud in my mouth… healthy too!



On another note, I decided to dress semi-casual for the evening, as there was no real reason to get overdressed. I decorated my outfit with my summer staple jewelry, which was a turquoise statement necklace and turquoise chandelier earrings. You can find these goodies at Francesca’s … AND they currently have a jewelry sale of buy 1 get 1 50% off!

Enjoy the rest of your summer Saturday!

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